Sunday, January 18, 2015

Special Thanks to our Kickstarter Supporters! Post Trip Book and Movie.

Throwback to when Matt and I hated each other Day 9 of the trip.

Matt and I have been hard at word the past few weeks writing and coming up with lots of ideas.

You will be excited to hear that we have brought Emily Downing on board to edit!

Editor in Chief: Emily Downing

And thus the dream team was born.

The rough cut of the book should be finished the first week of February. And then we will get the book out to our blurb writers a little bit early! Unfortunately our movie is running a little bit behind , but is due for a May release.

For our IMDB users check it out.

(it costs $35 for a post on the page. Send it to my paypal and I'll put it up in your honor)

We may be unavailing a podcast really soon too. Still working on some ideas regarding what it will be about. If you have any thoughts lets us know!

Thanks again Emily. Matt and I are both really thankful for her help.

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