Monday, November 25, 2013

Stormchasers starring Marshall Harris AKA Survivor Thailand Season 6 Winner

Stormchasers video! From Tornado that went through Illinois on 11/17/13

Songs of the day!

Kick Drum Heart Avett Brothers

Architecture in Helsinki! Heart it Races
check out the Dr. Dog version too! It is probably a bit better.

Someone once told me to be less cynical... So i will!

Jesus talk will take place tonight in the hot tub at the Rec!

     The challenge this week is to love someone you don't normally love and mention God to them! So I gave this to someone at Dunkin donuts after I paid for their drink in the Drive Thru. According to John 4 I am Sowing, but someone else will reap later.

Love Does! Do it! Sorry the pic is upside down. Work at it!

The smartest kid I know. I hope he will let me move in with him when I am homeless one day.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Sketch! "The Prodigy is a result of my retirement." - Nate Smith

The Prodigy
By Jason Martin
11.14.13 (Version 3)

Mom- paranoid
Eric- 12 year old
Brandon- 10 year old
                         (Family Home)
Mom, I want to play with my Legos!

Mom! Where is my paint set?

Oh I want to paint! Can I Mom! Can I!

It’s over there in the corner. Yea you both can paint. But whatever you do… don’t you dare ruin my priceless Urn!

                         ERIC & BRANDON
We won’t Mommy!

Good. Have fun kids!

                         (Mom exits)
(Kids begin to improvise with the paint set.)

What are you painting, Brandon?
Well if you must know, it’s a group of sea turtles trying to cross the pacific, but there is a zebra in the way, so they can’t pass.

It looks like more like a jackass.

It’s a zebra, not a jackass. You are just doing this to piss me off.
I’m not saying it to piss you off.

Yes you are.

Look, You don’t have any stripes on the zebra… And it’s brown.

Shut up! I know you are just trying to piss me off.

Am not. As your older brother, I think you should know the difference between Zebras and Jackasses.

                    (Getting angry)
It’s a group of sea turtles trying to cross the pacific… Shut up!

What’s your problem?

That’s it!    
                         (Brandon grabs brush and paint bucket and throws it at Eric, he ducks and it all smashes into urn.)

                         ERIC & BRANDON
(Loud Gasps)
Oh, no! Mom’s precious urn.

Look who the jackass is now.

Don’t say anything.

Well who are we gonna say did it! This isn’t gonna work!

If you say it was me, I’ll kill you in your sleep!

Oh no, she is coming.

                         (Eric steps in front of mess trying to hide it.)

                         (Mom enters.)

How is the painting going?

Look what I made Mom.

                    (Under her breath)
Oh God. Not the sea turtles again.

Do you like it mom?


                         (He steps away and points at urn.)
Now, Is that a zebra or a jackass?!

Language Eric.
                         (Looks back at urn.)                   

Oh my God! What happened to my Urn!

It wasn’t me.
                    (Under his breath)

Dad your ashes are all over the ground!

I promise I didn’t do it.


(Crouching down to hold the Urn.)

Dad. I’m sorry dad. I never meant to hurt you.

                         (Kids engulf mother in hug.)

                    ERIC & BRANDON
Sorry Mom.

                    (Finish hug)

Mom… we didn’t.

                    (In an uproar)
                         (Takes off shoe, and stares.)
Someone is about to get beat with a shoe!

                    ERIC & BRANDON
Uhh. Ummm. Well… It wasn’t… uhh. It was (Him or her)
                    (Pointing to same audience member)

You little!


Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Christmas Soon!: Writing 5 Packet at Second City is due on Thursday!

I just finished writing 4 Week 3!

          Really excited and nervous about submitting my sketch to be reviewed to see if I make it to writing 5 and 6! If accepted, my team and I will create a sketch review on one of the stages at Second City.

         The future is always a mystery. People in general fear what they do not know or understand. As a senior this school, I have been blessed to see how the Lord is already opening opportunities for me.

         I wonder if if I will make it. I wonder if the Lord has prepared me for what is to come. Contrary to popular belief, It is called the present because it is a gift. Each moment is what is happening in your life. 

      I am a... 

  •                      Senior at Olivet Nazarene University
  •                      Preaching Ambassador
  •                      Video Editor
  •                      Resident Assistant
  •                      Second City Writing 4 Student

  •                      Busy!

        This thing started because of an idea I had that was loosely taken from a scene in The Dark Knight Rises. You must do it. "Without The Rope". We cannot live in 'what if?' moments. You can make your life amazing just by doing amazing things. Quit thinking about doing things. Do them.

        Don't find your satisfaction in meaningless things, but find satisfaction in doing meaningful things.

Anyways I will post the sketch here tomorrow by NOON!

Pray for me.