Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Sample joke from tonights show:

Passengers on paper airplanes must all be cowards. I feel like there is a terrorist on every plane.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013


 comedy joint


Wednesday may 15th 8pm

Be there!

Happy Birthdays!

My younger brother- Brandon- turned 20 this past Tuesday.


My older brother- Eric- is turning 23 today!

I told him hey! 

       "A lot of people turn 23, and they are like 23 what?! But not you Eric! you say 23. that sounds about right. That is because you, my friend, are better than "like 23 What?!" ...

    Frankly. Eric, you are. and thats all there is to it."

And that is pretty much what I said.

NEW Pages

"Things I Me Gustan":

    Anything that I feel is worth watching or checking out. These things are entertaininginspirational, or educational.

        Worth checking out for sure.

"People Better Than Me":

    This page has a few great comics that you might not have heard of yet. They are good and you should know them!

Friday, May 10, 2013

Something to shoot for!

This is how we  do it in Muncie, IN

Second City Writing2 #day2 Prep

I needed to write a 5 page sketch about a relationship.

My notebook is becoming quite a useful tool as any idea that pops into my head throughout the day ends up in there. It makes it very easy to find good material.

Aside from that, in my freewriting time I go HAM and find premises for days. Come at me bro.

Just kidding, thats the Rosetta Douche coming out of me there. I am sorry for any inconvenience.

I wrote a sketch called "The Caver". Anytime you are cracking up while writing something, that is a good sign. If it goes well in class tomorrow. I might post it.


#JimGaffiganProblems #Part2

So this was truly a blessing.

UP in Chicago had a Q and A with Jim Gaffigan on Friday.

I was lucky to here some great questions and responses to tough questions. Especially  for a young comic starting out.

I recorded the audio and some video from the event. After disecting the product I will be sure to mention the best advice.


After going to Morty's It was recommended to me that I learn how to disect joke structures.

I found myself to begin as a storytelling comic. 6 minutes is not enough time to delve into several stories so writing jokes is the best alternative to combat this short time.

Jim Gaffigan's Mr. Universe is and excellent example of structure.

1)    Setup

2) Punchline

3)  Tag

He sets up the joke. Then he tells the punchline.

The tag is when additional words are used after the initial punchline is stated. The tag makes and reenforces the punch.

Great wisdom if you can incorporate the structure into your own material and originality.

First Stand UP

The first stand up went pretty good for the first time.

Now available on

 Which is sort of like saying that I did it and am still alive. I definitely learned some important things. There is not enough time in a 6 minute set to tell 3 quality stories and have a good opening.

In you opening you want to sound spontaneous and befriend your audience... if you want them to like you, that is.

Your 1st and last jokes need to be your most powerful.

The first one was really fun and I had a great time. I am looking forward to getting out there again. Morty's has some great comics and they all were super cool and helpful for someone who was trying to perform for the first time.

I doubt I could have had a warmer welcome to the game.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

My notebook!

First Stand Up Attempt

Currently, I am sitting in the Ball State University Student Center. Last night I received an email that I will be performing in an open mic at Morty's Comedy Joint in Indianapolis.

8PM on Wednesday May 8th.

I do not have anything prepared yet. I have compounded some material in a workbook in case I got a call back.

Obviously, this being my first one, I am very nervous. But the worst case scenario is that after tomorrow I will be a stand up comedian. Granted, I could be the most terrible one ever.

I am excited and nervous. I will post the attempt haha to youtube afterward to my Youtube Channel-Withouttherope.


The goal of this is to do the things that everyone has been afraid to do. Some things will be comedic in nature and others will be inspirational. 

I hope that what we do in the days to come can help others accomplish their goals as well. Get rid of your inhibitions about doing something. Win or lose, you will never learn without trying.

Romans: 12:2 NLT 

"Don't copy the behavior of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will know what God wants you to do, and you will know how good and pleasing and perfect his will really is."