Friday, November 21, 2014

It feels like just yesterday I cycled from Chicago to New York.

We have been done for several months now. Matt Bennett has gone on to be a big bad nurse and I well... am trying to get my feet dirty in the world of comedy.

Currently, I am in Improv 101 at Upright Citizens Brigade in Los Angeles, CA.

It is a great comedy school which was founded by Amy Poehler and some of her friends back in the early 2000s. If you want you can check out Amy Poehler's Yes, Please.  

It is rising up on the New York City Times Best Sellers.

Anyways I will be performing with my class on Saturday, December 6, 2014 at 2:30 PM. It is going to be a lot of fun!

I am finishing up school this semester. I plan on trying to start and improv or sketch group in the Chicago. Shoot me an email or a text if you are looking to be involved. 

Here is an awesome article that dear friend Katharyn Schrader wrote about Matt and I's trip.

The book and movie are still going to be released on time. We should have a trailer in January.

Check Matt and I out on Kathy Lee and Hoda

Friday, July 11, 2014

33 Days and 2 pairs of broken headphones later, We Make it to NYC today!

We just want to thank everyone for their support over the last month! We will leave Princeton, NJ this morning and should make it to the big apple tonight! Just 58 miles. Matt and I have had a lot of fun and we are not dead yet!

You all deserve this! Enjoy!

We camped behind Hooters and Outback last night. #Makingmoves

Tuesday, July 1, 2014


Dupont Circle's viewing party has been cancelled, no one has forked over the 30 grand that it costs to have a public viewing party. Freedom Plaza is going to be off the chains. Mayer Vincent Gray has the city putting up funds to host the once in a lifetime event.

Come on out to Freedom Plaza and watch the game with us in complete pandemonium!

And then watch John Oliver Break down the FIFA World Cup
Its going to be a good day.

Columbus. Check. Pittsburgh. Check. DC. Here We Come

This is Jason writing to you!

For those who are wondering, I have not posted all of the sets on YouTube. Some of the sets will only be available in the film when released.


The Shrunken Head
Scarlet and Grey
Surly Girl Saloon


The Pleasure Bar
Blue Dust
The Beerhive

Washington DC


Tuesday July 1st I am booked!

I will be performing at Solly's tonight!

It looks like it will be a pretty good show! If you are in DC come out!

Monday, June 16, 2014

The Time Has Come

Very first show of the tour tonight! Jaybo Martin is stepping up to the plate at The Shrunken Head in Columbus Ohio! Get ready for some brand new material to be posted shortly. Cheers!

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Shows Announced!


The Real Jaybo aka Jason Martin and Staff Nurse Matt Bennett are getting after it in Columbus, Ohio this week!

Bernie's on Monday Night
Stage Left on Tuesday night
Surly Girl Saloon on Wednesday!

We finna go hard in the paint for you guys this week.

These are all open mics, so we will get there early and should get on the list. Of course, it could crash and burn at any time. Pray that things work out!

Bernie's could be really fun as I think it might be a singing open mic.


almost 260 miles deep into the journey! Been chased by 15+ dogs.  Almost as bad as this dog.

Chain up your dogs Ohio!

Also we have been in a hotel lobby for 5 hours now with our bags on a rack. They just offered us the TV remote.

Monday, June 9, 2014

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Final Day to Back Project!

Final Day

Edit (29 minutes left)
You have all been unbelievable so far! Especially those of you who are apart of the Special Thanks and above tiers! 
Jason has posted part of his set from Schubas in Chicago last night to the Youtube! Feel free to check it out. It is just a taste of what is to come.

Lets cross the $2000 mark today!
Thank you for believing in the inspiration of this project. We hope that our risks will inspire you to do what you fear most. 

Get a DVD and special thanks in book for $25
Get DVD and Book with special thanks for $40
Other rewards too!
Kickstarter: Whats the Worst That Can Happen

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Update Number 2!

Goal Achieved! Let's keep the ride going!

We have met our goal in an amazing way. Thank you all so much for your support. 
Jason has been slaving away writing jokes and remembering stories so that we can have the best possible performance. The trip will be happening. 
Matt has been researching camp sites and connecting with other touring cyclists by means of a website called . We already have a place to stay in Indiana!

 It is about 50 miles away.
Continue to tell your friends and family to pledge. The money will be spent on food and better camera equipment. We are investing in memory cards, tripods, gopro mounts, etc. 
If you think we should add any more or different rewards let us know. We would love to cater to your needs!

    Tuesday, May 20, 2014

    Through the first week of kickstarter!

    We're off to a fast start!  Because of the enormous amount of support we have had to this point, we are now only $345 from meeting our goal...but we don't want to stop there!  Keep supporting us and spreading the word!  It would be awesome to go above and beyond our goal!  Everything is starting to fall into place and the tour is becoming a reality as we're getting super close to the start date.    

    Wednesday, May 14, 2014

    People are awesome, be an awesome Person

    Adventure and purpose is something every heart desires. Matt and I just want to thank everyone who wants to share this message. You guys are great! Let's keep workin hard to get this project funded! Almost 20% of our goal in 2 days! Let's get 25% by the end of the day! I love all of you guys! Thanks so much for your support! 

    Here is the shortcut link!

    Very necessary sandlot reference below

    Tuesday, May 13, 2014

    What's The Worst That Can Happen?

    Matt Bennett and I are going to be getting after it! I look forward to tell jokes and breaking down on the side of the road, boy what are we getting into.

    Saturday, May 10, 2014

    What's The Worst That Can Happen?

    I will be announcing a comedy tour in the next view days! There will be a Kickstarter campaign to raise money so that I may distribute a documentary and a book of the experience of the tour.

    Here are the T-shirt designs!

    They will be available soon!

    Saturday, April 12, 2014

    Friday Night Live Recap

    If you build it they will come. Huge props to Dani Martin for putting "Friday Night Live" Together.  It was a truly one of the best campus events I have seen. With 7 Comedians in the line up, we expected maybe 125-150. We had over 250 in attendance! Great Job to all of the comedians who performed including Brad Speakman, Cory Lara ( @coffeeordie ), Johnny Butler, Aaron Crane, Josh Ewing, and our Amateur Spot Winner Daniel B. Going. Matt Jones did a great job Headlining. I was really just glad to be a part of a stellar event. I wish we could have done this more often.  

    Jokes about what it would be like to see someone preach out of a book other than the bible
    Green Eggs and Ham

    I was in Love once... Jokes

    It felt great to get up and do some comedy. Thanks again to everyone who came out. One of the best audiences I have ever had the privilege to be in front of!

    Friday, April 11, 2014

    Comedy Show Tonight

    I will be Emceeing Friday Night Live at the Warming House Tonight at 9PM

    Expect crowdwork, I ran out of material years ago!

    I hope I make you proud Mom!

    Wednesday, March 12, 2014

    Road Trip Comedy Set

    Last night the wizard, tstrick, Isaac, and I finally made it to NEW ORLEANS! 

    I ran into some cool people from Trevecca Nazarene in Nashville!

    I made it to the House of Blues just in time to sign up for a set! 

    New video soon #cameraisdead #uploadproblems

    Wednesday, March 5, 2014

    Music that sounds fresh!

    Click play! You can thank me later.

    Quote of the day!

    The talent for being happy is appreciating and liking what you have, instead of what you don’t have.” -Woody Allen

    Monday, March 3, 2014

    Figuring out Life

    You come in to high school and you see all the seniors in high school. You are so amazed by all the seniors. They have all the plans and they know exactly what they are gonna do.

    Then you make it to college, you come in and you see all the seniors who know exactly what they are gonna do after graduation. Then you become a senior and you say to yourself, "Those people had no idea what they were doing. I have no idea what I'm doing." Nobody knows what they are doing because they haven't figured it out yet.

    I have been working on my senior speech recently. We were all given the topic of shame. Then you tweak it a little bit and decide how you want to talk about shame. I think that shame drives culture. It is a fear that is always in the back of your mind. What if I fail? Will I be shamed? I don't think we should take shame so seriously. So what if you failed. At least you tried.

    Teddy Roosevelt 

    once gave an amazing speech discussing the importance of doing. Its not about what the haters think. It is about the quest. You and I both know what we have to do.

    Here is an Excerpt from the famous speech. "The Man in the Arena."

    It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat. 

    You can't do things to please people. You got 
    to do them for you.
    People are gonna think a lot of things about 
    what you do. 

    A perfect example of the is in the the TV show- Community's pilot episode.

    Harold Ramis recently passed away. Second City gave tribute to the magic he gave the world. Harold knew what mattered. He started by just doing what he loved and he kept doing it.

    I watched Caddyshack in his honor on Sunday!

    Carl Spackler aka Bill Murray

    "This crowd has gone deadly silent, a Cinderella story outta nowhere. Former greenskeeper and now about to become the masters champion ... He's on his final hole. He's about 455 yards away, he's gonna hit about a 2 iron I think ... it's in the hole!"

    Landing the Plane

    Ramis offers some good advice. 
                    "Lets never take a job we don't like. Only take jobs where you can learn or purely have fun."                  It's pretty solid advice it terms of satisfaction."

    In another conversation with a Rabbi
                   "The things that we really need- are the things that nurture our souls. Start each day with a note in each pocket. One note says the world was created just for me today. The other notes says I'm a speck of dust in a meaningless universe. Keep them both, neither are true and both are true.

    There is no reason not to assume that the world is your playground, but I think Ramis would agree that humility is key. Everything won't go your way, but you might as well have some fun while you have the chance.

    Abed put it best- The Breakfast Club.

    Monday, February 24, 2014

    Wise Advice from Jonas

    He is pretty much everyone's hero.

    Late Night Is Back!

    Fallon coming onto The Tonight Show may be the best thing to happen to Late Night Television since sliced things.

    Leno was good, but his show format did not offer entertaining shorts for the younger web based audience. Fallon has already come out swinging with all star guest Will Smith, Jerry Seinfeld, and JT.

    His rendition of R Kelly's Remix to Ignition already has 1.6 million views and has only been up for 5 days.

    Having the barbershop quartet sing the R & B song is pure comedic gold. Fallon is muy muy muy talentedo! He can do it all and his audience loves him.

    The Roots are also a phenomenal backup band. They know comedy as well and they feed well off of fallon.

    You can see what I mean in this hilarious short of Fallon and The Roots teaming up with Carly Rae Jepson.

    Lorne Michaels is straight killing it!

    America should be really excited for tonight. Seth Meyers will be on after Fallon.

    After being the head writer for SNL for nearly a decade, Meyers is ready for tonight! I think he will show a significant improvement after the first few weeks.

    The fact is,

        More and More people are watching late night television thanks to this new switch for Fallon and Leno. Late night is the best it has been in years. At least for a younger generation.

    Here is a list of guest this week on Late Night with Seth Meyers

    Friday, February 7, 2014

    Seinfeld restaurant!

    Spending the weekend in New York City! You are now rockin with the best!!!